I don't remember the last time I was this excited. My book is coming out in two weeks! 14 days people! Whew...I can't believe it is finally here.
I've spent the last 8 months writing, rewriting, researching all of my self-publishing options, working with editors and cover designers, and just getting every possible detail figured out. I was talking to John about it yesterday and he said, "Wow you've really put a lot of thought into this." And I have! Not just writing but marketing and releasing it and making sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.
As a self-publishing newbie, I'm sure there are things I haven't even thought of, but I feel confident in the product I'm putting out. It's been reviewed by beta readers, edited by a professional editor and proofread for a final review. I hired a cover designer who did an amazing job creating a stunning and unique cover for my book. The final manuscript is currently being formatted for print by a professional so I can have physical print copies in addition to an ebook version.
I sent out Advanced Reader Copies to some bloggers and a few friends yesterday, and I've already gotten some feedback. People are reading my book and liking it and it makes me unbelievably happy. There are people that have marked my book "to-read" on Goodreads, people I don't know want to read my book! I don't think I've stopped smiling all day. It is an amazing feeling to have people read your words and actually like them. And it makes me so excited to release my baby out into the world.
I know not everyone is going to like it. I choose a pretty controversial topic for my first book and I know there will be some that absolutely hate it, but I'm okay with that, even the most successful authors have people who hate their books. I've even made peace with the fact that many of my family members and conservative friends will probably hate it. I'm just excited to finally be publishing my book and I can't wait for you all to read it!
For anyone who cares, I've already started work on my second book. It is in the very beginning stages of writing but I'm planning on publishing it late this year.