Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am almost positive I should be credited with the starting of the legging and mini skirt (or in my case t-shirt dresses) trend back in the early 90's. I rocked the legging, short skirt and jelly shoes look almost everyday of my young life, expect of course when weather required real shoes. So I wasn't at all shocked when the trend made a comeback a few years ago, but at that point leggings were still being used as an undergarment, something you wear a skirt, dress or very long shirt over. Today on my way from the gymnastics team practice to the chronicle office I passed 5, count them five, girls wearing leggings as pants. And I asked myself since when did this become acceptable? Since when is it okay to wear tight-like pants in public? Fine if you want to wear spandex pants to the gym or around your own house, but out in public just seems strange to me. Maybe its because my thighs are so big I wouldn't be caught dead, anywhere, wearing such a thing. But I still think, even skinny girls need to wear something over their leggings. After all the trend was originally created to be worn under something, so why destroy a classic?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Never Never Land

Somedays I wish I could be Peter Pan and live in Never Never Land, where I would never have to grow up and be responsible. I have exactly 6 weeks until I can no longer call myself a student and it is very scary. I have to find a real job, get my own health insurance and settle in for the rest of my working life. I wonder if everyone reaches a point in their life when they realize school is almost over and they don't know what to do with themselves. I have reached that point. I've gone to school for 17 consecutive years! The last time I didn't go to school I was 5 and lets be honest what do five year olds know about life? Not a thing would be the answer. I have known this day was coming for quite sometime now, but I think I have been trying desperately to stay in never never land. But now it is time to face reality and prepare for real life. Wish me luck.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Ah I am home at last. Back to my own bed, my own pillows, my own shower; back to a huge basket of dirty laundry and something nasty smelling in my sink. Note to self: never ever leave dishes in the sink when you are going on a 10 day vacation, its a bad bad idea. I'm scared to go over there and wash the dishes for fear that something might eat me. I used yesterday to relax and unpack and today I must do laundry, the dishes, go grocery shopping and do some homework, but I don't even care I'm just glad to be home.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New York

Aahh, hello all, I apologize for taking so long to update the blog. I have been thoroughly enjoying myself in the great state of New York. I spent Friday in New York City and have spent the rest of my time in Upstate and let me tell you it is beautiful! John has taken me on rides all around his home town. It is extremely funny to me that the "hills" around here are what people believe are mountains! The highest peak I have been to is 1300 ft! It has been a lot of fun though. Next stop on my little adventure is Laramie, Wyoming. Not nearly as exciting as New York, I know but my niece McKenna is there and I can't wait to see her.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I know, I know have been an slacker for the past few days. I have been trying like to crazy to get all my stories written, laundry washed and homework done. But now I am officially on vacation. I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to board on my way to New York. I'll be in New York until Monday when I'm flying to Denver and will be staying with my older sister and babysitting my super duper cute niece McKenna. This is the second red-eye flight I've taken and other than arriving at your destination super early in the morning, I've decided this is the way to go. You can sleep on the flight and before you know it you'll be wherever you're going. Since this vacation is serving a duel purpose, a chance for my brain to take a break and meeting my boyfriends family, I'll keep you updated on the Daily adventures of P, New York Edition.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Fever/Senioritis

The weather outside is nice, my spring break trip is looming and I'm in the home stretch of my days in college, do I need anymore explanation for my lack of motivation? I am leaving for New York in approximately 48 hours and it takes me more than one hand to count the things I have to accomplish before then. The problem is I have zero desire, motivation or interest in doing anything but taking naps and watching TV. I have been going to school with only a summer break each year for 17 1/2 years now; it is safe to say that I am ready to be done. It doesn't help that I am a procrastinator/overachiever. I fill my plate full of things to do and then wait until the very last minute to do them. This usually ends up in mass amounts of stress and near breakdowns when everything is due all at once. I am at this very moment writing this blog when I can think of at least four other, more productive things I could be doing. The weather being nice doesn't help this situation. I want to just sit outside and soak up the precious sunlight. If it was snowing and gloomy I might be more inclined to do all my work. Scratch that, on second thought if it was snowing I'd just want to sit inside and drink hot chocolate.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


You know that day when the first friend from your "group" of high school friends get married? That happened to me today. My good friend JaiCee got married earlier today and I have to admit it was a little strange for so many reasons. 1. I am older than her and kinda feel like as an older friend I should be able to give her advice about marriage (this will only happen in Utah where people get married ridiculously young and if you are still 22 and single there is something wrong with you). 2. It was weird to see her in a wedding dress, wrapped around her new husband as happy as can be. I am so so happy for her, don't get me wrong. But its weird to see someone you've spent countless hours in with- in sweatpants and team uniforms, on bus trips talking about how long it would be until we all get married, girl talking at each others houses until all hours of the night- in a wedding dress and all grown up. That brings to my next point, we are growing up. No more "slumber parties", no more single girl talk and unfortunately less time spent together in general. It means we are finally becoming adults and everyone knows that sometimes means drifting apart from the friends that we swore we would always be close with. It is kind of sad actually. We'll trade our girly ambitions in for adult responsibilities, crushes in for husbands and late night girl talk in for late night baby feedings. While there are still plenty of us left in the group that are single (or at least not married) this signals the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. And I can't help but think am I ready for that?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Flying Standby

The concept of flying standby was foreign to me until I met my boyfriend, who works at the airport and therefore gets flight benefits. It sounded like a sweet deal to me, the catch, however, is all flights are standby, a horrible horrible system. You sign up for a flight, but just have to wait around and hope the flight doesn't fill up so you can get on. Today said boyfriend didn't get on his flight home from New York. He has now spent over $500 on a guaranteed return flight home and a hotel near JFK and he is missing a day of work tomorrow because he'll still be in New York. I have never had the flight benefits, but I don't really see how this is much of a benefit if it ends up costing you so much in the end! I would rather pay the ridiculous amount of flights upfront and know that I am going to get from here to there without having to worry about all that craziness.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Peeps

Unless your name is Nicole Simper the title of this post may be confusing to you. By the time I am done, however, you will find this statement as funny as I do. The peeps can be defined as the excessive need to pee or having to pee frequently. This is not a disorder, but rather a self-induced state of being caused by drinking too much liquid. I have found that things like coffee and Mt. Dew seem to induce the peeps the fastest. Ice tea, water or really any liquid you ingest can cause this state of being though. The peeps happen when you drink a large amount of liquid in a short amount of time and then consequently have to go the bathroom at least every fifteen minutes, if not more often. One would think that once you have the peeps you would simply stop drinking for an hour or so and let your body return to its normal state. That is the odd thing about the peeps, once I have them I continue drinking liquids at an alarming rate, furthering the problem. It becomes a vicious never ending cycle: drink, peep, drink, peep. The term peep came from an episode of Rob and Big (a very funny reality TV show if you haven't seen it) and since its introduction to me by Nicole has been incorporated into my daily vocabulary. In case you were curious, I am experiencing the peeps as I write this. I'm afraid I have to end the post now, I have to peep.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


As an up and coming Journalist and someone who has worked for the student newspaper for 3 1/2 years now, one would think I have command of the English language. When it comes to words yes, when it comes to commas no. I didn't ever realize I had a problem with comma usage until I was a Sophomore in college and my Intro to News Writer professor suggested I meet with him after class to go over proper usage. It was brought my attention again today when a friend of mine was reading this very blog. Commas, I believe, should be optional; usable when I feel like (and I often do) but if I forget one every now and then it shouldn't be a big deal. There are so many rules with commas. You put one in lists but not before the last item unless what follows it is a complete sentence. You can't use them to separate two complete sentence unless used in conjunction with and or but. You can use them to set off important things, but are encouraged not to over use them. There are about a billion other comma rules that seem to have eluded me for now. The point is, however, that commas are the bain of my existence. It is quite possible that I used at least three or four of them incorrectly in this short post about commas and its a definite that I will misuse them again in the future. You have been warned, so cut me some slack.

Skinny Cows

Hello world, so its been a day since I posted last but in that time I have discovered something rather hysterical. Skinny Cow ice cream treats. I'm a big fan of ice cream no matter what, but since I am attempting to eat healthier I am always looking for lower calorie but nonetheless yummy treats. Skinny Cow treats just that, yummy, low fat and low calorie goodness. I just find the name funny Skinny Cow. I grew up on a farm and can reassure you that there is no such thing as a skinny cow, that is unless the cow in question is dying of a disease, but even then skinny is still not the word I would use to describe them. Maybe its my rural upbringing that caused me to laugh out loud in the ice cream aisle, or maybe its the fact that right next to the Skinny Cow treats are Fat Boy treats. So think about this next time you want a frozen treat, would you rather eat a Skinny Cow or Fat Boy? Just something to consider.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to the Blogging Scene

I have finally given in. After three failed attempts I have finally started a blog once and for all. Mostly as something to help boost my future writing career, you have to be versatile to make it in today's market. But also as a way to record the going's on from day to day. I'll try to post daily, as the blog is called the Daily Adventures of P, but I am a college student and things like playing video games or staying up all night watching Sex and the City sometimes get in the way of more productive things. I can't guarantee anything interesting or worth reading will come out of this but I am jumping in anyways. Enjoy.