Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Being obsessive has its benefits

I have an obsessive personality. When I get an idea, plan or anything exciting in my head that tends to be my main focus for a while.
Sometimes my obsessions drives me crazy, like when all I can think about during the day is how much noise my neighbors upstairs might make when I get home and if they are going to dump water off their balcony while I am cooking dinner on the grill (the problems with the neighbors is another post for another day).
But sometimes being obsessed about things pays off big time.
I recently decided I am taking a trip to NYC this fall to visit some friends and have been obsessively checking flights every few hours since I decided for sure when I was going and today my craziness paid off.
Yesterday a non-stop flight with Delta (the flight I wanted, at the time I wanted) was $399, today when I checked, the exact same flight was $258! I don't know how that is even possible but I'll take it, $140 less than I was planning on paying equals a win for me.
Next task, finding a way to stop obsessing about the neighbors and their shenanigans.

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