Thursday, December 29, 2016

Crushed It

I think it's safe to say I crushed this year. I can confidently say 2016 was one of the best years of my life. I've accomplished two major things this year: writing my first book and losing 60 pounds. And I am so damn proud of both of them but honestly what made this year the best so far was finally finding my confidence, finally learning to love my self (you can read about that here if you missed it). I finally love who I am and where I'm going and if you don't like well that's too bad. Life is happier when you ignore all the negative voices and surround yourself with people who care about you and want you to succeed. Life is happier when you love your self. But I already wrote a whole post about that so I'll move on.
In addition to a few huge things I've also accomplished a lot of little things this year too:
  • I can do a real push-up, on my toes!! I've never in my whole life been able to do that, and now I can actually do two. 
  • I got made a multi-state team communications lead at work (it's hard to explain what that means without a whole blog post about my job) but it means more responsibility and leadership at work, which is always good. 
  • I published my first non-news related piece, a short story, in a collection of erotic short stories.
  • I went hiking with Mason chubs on my back. I'm not a hiker so this is an accomplishment for me. 
  • I have finally succeeded in getting up to workout in the morning! I have literally tried for years and failed at getting up in the morning to workout, but now I can finally do it. Maybe because my post-baby body has figured out how to function on less sleep. 
  • I can finally say I don't have a love/hate relationship with food anymore. I still have a long ways to go but I feel like I'm well on my way to having a healthy relationship with food. 
I'm sure there are other things, but this is all I can think of right now. 2016 hasn't been without it's trials but overall it was a great year. I made some mistakes, learned a lot about myself and accomplished things I never thought possible. If this year taught me anything it is you really can do whatever you put your mind to. 
I can't wait to see what happens over the next year. I'm excited about the new year and all the exciting things happening my life. Bring it on 2017, I'm ready! 

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