Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wedding Preparation

I have been missing in action for a few weeks but seeing as I got married and went on a honeymoon I think I deserved a break! Since writing about the few days before the wedding, the actual wedding and the honeymoon all in one post would take forever to read and write I am going to break it up into 3 separate posts to make it easier for everyone.
I worked Monday and Tuesday the week of the wedding and Tuesday night went out to dinner and had some drinks with the girls, nothing to crazy but it was a good time!
Wednesday was a little crazy. We got up went to breakfast with two of my sisters, my Aunt Becky and cousins and my grandma. We had breakfast at the Park Cafe in Salt Lake and it was so so good! McKenna decided she was going to love my hair during breakfast and was literally cuddling with my ponytail, that little girl is so silly. Then we went and got pedicures which felt so good, my feet needed a good scrub down.
After that Nicole, Emily and I went to my apartment to grab a few things before heading down to the rehearsal.
The Rehearsal went well, except McKenna didn't want to walk down the aisle, she wanted to stay with Aunt "Mergen" but she did it and everything went well and we were all ready to go for the wedding day!
I went home and got to relax for a few hours before heading off to the "rehearsal" dinner and to meet the remainder of John's family who had come in for the wedding.
At dinner Mckenna stuffed a whole chocolate covered marshmallow in her mouth, she had chocolate running all down her face and couldn't talk for a full five minutes, it was incredibly funny.
John stayed and visited with his family for a while and Morgan took me to my hotel room where Emily and I would be staying for the night.
I took the longest shower ever, watched TV and got ready for bed. The whole day everyone kept asking me if I was nervous but so far I hadn't been nervous at all. I slept well and didn't feel too worried about anything, which was good I guess.
Don't worry there will be nervousness in the post about the actual wedding!

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