Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't force your opinions on me

Anyone who knows me very well knows that I am a very opinionated person and so it bothers me when someone tries to tell me what my opinion or stance on an issue should be.
I've never really paid attention to what goes on during the Utah legislature before, I know what they do directly effects me but I just haven't cared in the past. I really don't care this year either but working at Fox I have been subjected to a lot more information about bills than I normally would.
And it is amazing to me what some people want to pass as bills!! The bill in particular that has me angry is one that would declare marriage between a man and a woman as the primary unit of society as ordained by god.
When I first heard about this bill yesterday I was kind of upset I mean isn't that a direct violation of the separation of church and state? Isn't it up to individual people to decide what they think about such things? Then today I was reading something else about the bill and the representative sponsoring it said that his proposal is simply trying to reinforce values of Utahns. What? I am a Utahn and I have no problem with gay marriage. I have several friends also Utahns who feel the same way I do. I don't feel like this guy should be able to make a blanket statement or blanket bill defining what Utah's values are. Has he gone door to door and asked every single person in the state what they think? I seriously doubt it and it makes me angry. Just because he is conservative, right-wing and ultra religious doesn't mean everyone feels the same way. I know most people think the same thing about Utah, but did you know that Salt Lake City has the third highest gay population(per capita) second only to New York and San Francisco. I'm willing to bet those people would disagree with Mr. representative man. Open your eyes people, this isn't the 1950s anymore things are changing, times are changing and its time to be a little more open minded.

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