Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's all a lie....

You know how people say that they don't care how much they weigh as long as they look and feel good? Well they are liars. I'm pretty sure words similar to those have come out of my mouth at one point or another, but I am here to tell you it was a damn lie.
I have been eating healthy and working out semi-regularly, which is a lot more than I used to. My clothes are fitting better, I feel healthier and have more energy, blah blah blah it is all nullified (my new favorite word) when I step on the scale and it hasn't moved!!! It is so lame.
If your body is getting smaller, which it is if your clothes fit looser, then why isn't the scale moving? All I want to see is a little reward for all my hard work. Well really I want to step on the scale and have it be 20 pounds less instantly but since I know that isn't going to happen I'd settle for a pound or two.
I think doing the HCG diet has something to do with my obsession with the scale, after weighing myself everyday (sometimes two or three times a day) for a month and seeing results almost everyday I get disappointed when I only lose .2 pounds in a week.
I keep telling myself that I'll get results if I keep working hard, but a seeing a little progress would go a long way for motivation at this point. So come on scale just move down a little!!

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