Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Hate Construction

I don't think anyone really likes construction, it causes traffic jams and delays and confusing lane shifts that almost cause accidents but lately I hate construction even more than usual. That is because the idiots running the I-15 Core project have decided it is a good idea to shut down one of the four lanes between American Fork and Pleasant Grove in both directions, essentially meaning no matter what time of day you travel there will be some kind of traffic jam. This also means it takes me an extra 15 minutes to get to and from work, an extra 15 minutes on top of my already hour-long commute and the 9 hour days I am currently working because of my schedule this month. That means from the time I leave my house in the morning to the time I get home at night I have been gone for 11 and half hours. This leaves very little time for other important things like working out (I was at the gym until 9:30 last night), cooking yummy dinners and probably most important just chilling and watching T.V with John. And the construction puts me in a bad mood which means by the time I actually get home I am grumpy and sometimes take it out on John, not very nice but true.
Let's just hope this lane closure doesn't last very long.

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