Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Its not the 1950s anymore

The sex education debate currently happening in Utah is getting out of control. Representative Bill Wright, who is sponsoring a bill to make sex education almost nonexistent is Utah has been quoted as saying, "Why don’t we just be honest with them up front that sex outside marriage is devastating?” I have also read this comment in several other places that sex outside of marriage is destructive and life-ruining. The best response I have heard yet was published as a letter to editor in the Salt Lake Tribune the other day. You can read it for yourself but basically it said that in this person's experience sex outside of marriage hasn't been devastating but in fact fulfilling, satisfying and completely disease and child free.
Yes I can agree that abstinence is the only SURE way to prevent children born out of wedlock and the only sure way to prevent disease but as the writer of the letter to the editor so kindly pointed out sex INSIDE marriage can also be devastating. Unwanted children can also be born to married couples!
Let's be honest this isn't the 1950s anymore, people have sex before they get married often times with many people and still go on to live perfectly happy lives. Children and teens are be bombarded with sexual images and information that may or may not be correct. Some teens, not all but some, are going to have sex regardless of what anyone says about waiting until marriage. News flash, not everyone in Utah is Mormon!! Not every child in school, in fact I would say the majority are not being taught about sex and contraceptives at home. By creating an education system in which talking about contraceptives would be against the law legislators are only creating a bigger problem. It is a disservice to teens and not just the "promiscuous" ones to not teach them about all aspects of sex education. There are plenty of married couples that could benefit from knowing how a condom or birth control works.
I just don't understand how these legislators can think that this is really the best option. Just because contraceptives and sex before marriage don't coincide with your beliefs doesn't mean everyone feels the same way. Fine teach kids that waiting until marriage is the best option but also give the facts and tools to protect themselves in case they chose not to wait. Because not arming them with information is really creating a situation in which sex can be devastating.

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