Friday, January 28, 2011

Live at Little!!!

I have a new pet peeve.
I actually don't know if you can call it a pet peeve but rather something that bothers me. I know countless, literally, it would take me several minutes to think of and count all the girls I know that have gotten married super young after having only dated for a few months and then have babies with in a year of getting married.
It's craziness! Like I know a girl that got married 5 months, that's right 5 months, after meeting her now husband!! They've been married for two years and now have a baby, so not worst case. I know another girl that got married within 8 months of meeting her husband and was well into her pregnancy before their first year anniversary. I just don't understand!
How can you know after five months that you want to spend the rest of your life together?! And if you do decide that how can you want to have a baby less than a year after you get married.
I know this is all personal choice, but I think you should actually know someone for a while before you get married and you should take time to adjust to married life before you have a baby.
My sister has a baby and her whole world revolves around that little girl, she is an amazing mom, but she waited almost 3 years after they got married to have a baby!! How many 19 year old's do you know that are ready to give up their lives for a husband and a baby? I know I wasn't ready and I know I've had a million amazing experiences since I was 19 that I never would've had if I was married and had children! I just think people should live a little and experience life before they settle down forever!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I don't usually believe in fate or karma or whatever, but the workout gods did just not want me to run today.
I woke up and had dinner, hung out with my boyfriend as usual. Then I decided to go running because I'm training for a half marathon and well I need to run.
I'll have to give you a little back story for this to make sense.
I have bugged the guys in my apartment building to fix the treadmill for weeks!! To no avail, so the other day while I was complaining again a girl from the apartment building across the parking lot heard me and offered to just give me a card to their gym. So I went and got a card and have used their treadmill successfully a few times now.
So today I go down to run but the card will not let me into the building, I stand there for five minutes in the cold trying to get in, nope not happening.
So I go back to my gym in hopes of the treadmill being fixed, it looked like it was!! But no it stopped working about 45 seconds into my run. So I stormed back upstairs and got my car keys and rec center pass and drove over there to use a treadmill there, but I got there at 8:58 and apparently it closes at 9 p.m. So I get back in my car and go to my apartment's gym one more time because I decided using the elliptical is better than nothing. But wait this story isn't over, I am going along enjoying my time on the elliptical when about 12 minutes into my workout my Ipod dies. At this point I gave up. Apparently I wasn't meant to workout today, so why push it?
Maybe tomorrow will work out better, but at least no one can say I didn't try.

Monday, January 24, 2011

I. Love. Reading

I have always loved reading, ever since I was a little girl I have loved reading. But I think I love it even more know because books offer an amazing escape from reality. Not that my life sucks or anything but books allow me to create countless fantasy worlds in my head.
I recently started reading a new book, the fifth in the Fever Series, if you like fiction and aren't afraid of a little graphic detail you should read them they are amazing. I can't put this book down, except for when I have to work or eat or sleep.
I think me liking reading so much is one of the reasons that I love writing, its so much fun to create a story.
I just someday hope that I can write a book as entertaining and fun to read as the ones I have read in my lifetime.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

There are many things that make me happy but here are just a few.
*Waking up to see Willy's little face on my shoulder.
*Pictures of/or video chatting with my niece McKenna.
*Hot chocolate no matter the weather.
*Ice cream, again no matter the weather.
*Reading a good book or two or three....
*When a really good song I haven't heard in a while comes on my Ipod.
*Kisses from Willy and John

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Construction makes me crazy. I swear people that are in charge of construction projects have no brains, because to me it would make sense to have all your people working on one project and get it done fast before moving. But no whoever is in charge of the construction on North Temple is an idiot. They are getting ready to install trax to the airport, but apparently have 15 million other things they have to do along North temple before they can and they are doing them all at once.
There are no less than 6 different construction zones and projects along the 3 1/2 mile stretch of North Temple I drive every day too and from work, including one right outside my apartment, good thing I have ear plugs. And the way the lanes are closed and merging changes daily, meaning I never know what my drive to work might entail. Its ridiculous to me. Finish one project move to the next and everyone will be less confused, happy and I think things will get done quicker.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Damn the Cupcake!!!

Its no secret that I am self-proclaimed dessertaholic. I love love love desserts. Cheese cake, regular cake, candy, ice cream, anything you can name if its sweet and yummy I'll probably love it. Recently I have been eating healthier, notice I didn't say trying, that is because I have actually been successful the past few weeks. Yesterday while watching the Patriots play like idiots (that is another blog all together) I made baggies with almonds and raisins, veggies, crackers and made some healthy tomato soup and put it in bowls so I have snacks and things to take to work with me to eat. I take my snacks and no money to work so I can't buy things in the vending machines and I am impressed with how well I have been doing, that is until today. I got to work and sitting right near my desk was none other than a cupcake. There were several empty boxes in the garbage and I assume this one was left over from some sort of celebration earlier. I tried to resist but in the end (really it was only like 5 minutes after I got to work) I ate the cupcake. I know I know one cupcake isn't going to ruin everything but still I had hoped I had more will power than that. Note to people at work: Don't leave delicious things by my desk!! I figure an extra 10 or 15 minutes added on to my workout tomorrow will help balance out the cupcake attack. On the positive side said devil cupcake was delicious and may have helped cure my cravings for sweet things for the next few days. Also positive if you are trying to eat better planning out things make its a million times easier! I make a list of all the things I am going to eat for a week, it takes about an hour but is totally worth it, then I check the recipes, make a list of things I need at the store and get just those things once a week. This way I don't have to decide what I am going to have for dinner every single night and end up eating frozen pizza because I don't have anything else in the house. And if I don't buy temptation foods at the store I have nothing to sabotage me when I am awake and bored at 4 am on Friday night. Now if only I can find a way to resist stray cupcakes that may wander my way everything will be grand!

Monday, January 17, 2011


My nose is running, my eyes feel droopy and my head is starting to hurt. That can only mean one thing, I am getting sick. And that is the worst possible thing. As if trying to adjust to sleeping in the daylight and working all night isn't bad enough, trying to do it when all I am going to want to do is sleep will be even worse.
Not to mention I have finally started working out and eating healthy and being sick always throws that off, because I have no energy to work out and all I want to eat is chicken noodle soup and crackers. Hopefully I am blowing things way out of proportion and tomorrow I will be fine, but if not wish me luck!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fun Undies!!

I know this may seem strange to blog about, but I bought new bras and panties yesterday and I'm excited!! I was never a big believer in the need to have your bra and panties match, but I have recently discovered that doing so is fun! So I got four new bras and three new pairs of panties to match.
I have recently decided that feeling sexy (something I have always struggled with) starts underneath your clothes and if you have cute (or sexy) underwear on your going to feel better about yourself all day!
After all no one wants to wear granny panties.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


If I were to be keeping track of how well I was doing at keeping my two resolutions (I posted about them earlier) it would be Resolutions-1 Paige-0. Earlier today, against, my first resolution I freaked out at my boyfriend for something tiny and insignificant. Something I had hoped to not do anymore. I know, I know I can't be perfect and people slip up sometimes but still.
In other news I know have black-out curtains, which said boyfriend so kindly put up for me, and I think it helped me sleep a lot better, which is always good news!
That is really all for now but as always I will keep you posted.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lack of Sleep=No Adventures

I know this blog is called the daily adventures of P, but I haven't been sleeping well or very much and that makes for a lack of adventures, because all I do all day is sleep or lounge on the couch because I'm too tired to do anything else.
I did venture out to go hang out with some friends Saturday night only to fall asleep on Nicole's bed, bad news.
Yesterday I (well John) bought black out curtains for the bedroom, which hopefully will help me sleep better!!
I'm hoping to get caught upon my sleep and feel more like doing things, so my blog will be more interesting! Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pajama Day

You know those days when you don't get out of your pajamas all day? I've had one of those days, I put my pj's on when I got home from work at 8:30 in the morning and haven't got out of them in the 18 hours since. It is amazing! And just exactly what I needed, no where to be or nothing really important to do. I must admit adjusting to working 40 hours a week and at night nonetheless has been a challenge for me. I constantly feel like sleeping and when I do manage to be awake I don't feel like doing anything productive. So this pj day was just what I needed to recharge and tomorrow hopefully I'll finally get somethings done on my day off. Sure I could be cleaning or doing other productive thing, but lets be honest when is anyone ever productive in their pajamas? So I think I'll got watch some old Sex and the City episodes.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I discovered the most amazing song yesterday, its called Fucking Perfect by Pink (sorry to those of you that might offend) but it is incredible. It is pretty much about how no one is perfect and we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and that being imperfect is what makes us perfect. K so I'm pretty sure that didn't make sense but just listen to the song and you'll understand what I mean.
It's amazing that we can see all the great things about other people and usually insist on telling them on a regular basis but can't figure out how to do the same thing for ourselves. I know it seems strange that I of all people would be writing about this because if I had to pick my biggest fault (and trust me I have many) it would be being to hard on myself. I'll never be skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough or whatever. But enough of that shit.
Along with my resolution to let go and have more fun (see yesterday's post if you missed that) my second resolution is to stop being so hard on myself. I have a good job, an amazing family and boyfriend, the cutest puppy in the entire world and awesome friends. Yes I may be overweight, something I'd like to change, but obviously there are other people in the world (friends, family, boyfriend) that could care less. Even with all those people backing me up I still find ways to bring myself down, why do I do that? Why do we do that? As Pink says "I'm done looking for the critics cause they're everywhere." Besides being perfect is no fun, trust me I've tried, so here's to embracing what I've got and letting go of the past. And I think that would be perfect.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Fresh Start?

Well hello again world, yes I know I'm a terrible blogger, oops. But anyways the new year has made think of a few things. Many people somehow seem to think that a new year is a fresh start, but can that really be true?
Do you wake up feeling any different new year's day than you do any other day (except for maybe hungover)? People set new year's resolutions hoping that this will finally be the year they lose weight, get organized, stop smoking, whatever, but I wonder what makes them think this year will be any different?
I know I sound like a huge pessimist but I'm one of those people too. Every year for as long as I can remember I tell myself that at the beginning of the year I'm going to start working out and eating right, but here I am still overweight.
People always say you have to make things happen, but I haven't really figured out how to do that yet. I think I just sit around and wait for things to happen. I'm one of those people that have to have every detail of things planned out or I go crazy but I think some days that is what's holding me back.
So I think this year my "resolution" is going to be to make things happen. Finally become a decision maker and be spontaneous every now and then. We'll see how things go and I'll try and keep you updated by blogging more than once every six months.