Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Fresh Start?

Well hello again world, yes I know I'm a terrible blogger, oops. But anyways the new year has made think of a few things. Many people somehow seem to think that a new year is a fresh start, but can that really be true?
Do you wake up feeling any different new year's day than you do any other day (except for maybe hungover)? People set new year's resolutions hoping that this will finally be the year they lose weight, get organized, stop smoking, whatever, but I wonder what makes them think this year will be any different?
I know I sound like a huge pessimist but I'm one of those people too. Every year for as long as I can remember I tell myself that at the beginning of the year I'm going to start working out and eating right, but here I am still overweight.
People always say you have to make things happen, but I haven't really figured out how to do that yet. I think I just sit around and wait for things to happen. I'm one of those people that have to have every detail of things planned out or I go crazy but I think some days that is what's holding me back.
So I think this year my "resolution" is going to be to make things happen. Finally become a decision maker and be spontaneous every now and then. We'll see how things go and I'll try and keep you updated by blogging more than once every six months.

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