Thursday, January 27, 2011


I don't usually believe in fate or karma or whatever, but the workout gods did just not want me to run today.
I woke up and had dinner, hung out with my boyfriend as usual. Then I decided to go running because I'm training for a half marathon and well I need to run.
I'll have to give you a little back story for this to make sense.
I have bugged the guys in my apartment building to fix the treadmill for weeks!! To no avail, so the other day while I was complaining again a girl from the apartment building across the parking lot heard me and offered to just give me a card to their gym. So I went and got a card and have used their treadmill successfully a few times now.
So today I go down to run but the card will not let me into the building, I stand there for five minutes in the cold trying to get in, nope not happening.
So I go back to my gym in hopes of the treadmill being fixed, it looked like it was!! But no it stopped working about 45 seconds into my run. So I stormed back upstairs and got my car keys and rec center pass and drove over there to use a treadmill there, but I got there at 8:58 and apparently it closes at 9 p.m. So I get back in my car and go to my apartment's gym one more time because I decided using the elliptical is better than nothing. But wait this story isn't over, I am going along enjoying my time on the elliptical when about 12 minutes into my workout my Ipod dies. At this point I gave up. Apparently I wasn't meant to workout today, so why push it?
Maybe tomorrow will work out better, but at least no one can say I didn't try.

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