Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lucky Me

Today I actually have adventures to write about (well sort of)!! I arrived at work did a phone interview and went off to my first interview of the day. The woman I was supposed to be interviewing at the hospital was not there. So I went to BYU for my second interview but since I was about 20 minutes early I sat in my car doing a few other things first. Bad bad idea. Whenever I sit in my car and do other things before getting out I always manage to forget to take the keys out of the ignition. Well this is what happened I left my keys in the car and I get out to go do my interview. Just as I shut the door I realized the Keys!!! I was so mad! I have a history of locking my keys in my car. So much so that my house keys and car keys aren't on the same key chain because when I was in college I would routinely lock my keys in my car and then have to return to my apartment to get my spare set, but it has been almost 3 years since I last locked my keys in my car, which is a very very long time given my history.
John also has an extra key to my car but I am pretty sure he would not appreciate having to drive to Provo just to let me in my car. I am considering having a third key made and leaving it in the side pocket of my purse but then I would probably leave my purse in the car too.
Lucky for me when I shut the door after locking the keys in my car, I didn't shut the door all the way. So I called the campus police and they so kindly agreed to come and help me. After standing in the cold for 10 minutes and signing a release saying if they break the window they are not reliable the police officer pried the door open and popped the lock! Two things: luckily I hadn't shut the door all the way otherwise a locksmith probably would have had to be called and that costs a lot of money! And second thing lucky for me I was on BYU campus not at some other random place where the police came within 10 minutes and helped me! After all that I was only 5 minutes late to my interview.

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