Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why I Love My Job

There are many reasons I love being a journalist, writer, reporter or whatever else you may want to call me.
1. I LOVE writing. I am pretty sure I have dedicated more than one post to this but just to reiterate I love writing. I love taking the facts and putting them down on paper and coming up with a finished product that hopefully not only tells the tale but also interests readers and makes the story come to life.
2. I Love knowing things other people do not. This may sound silly but I like being the one that gets all the inside information that the general public doesn't have access too. It is fun when I am walking away from a crime scene (or event or interview) and someone stops and asks me what is going on and I can tell because I know.
3. I love interviewing people. It is fascinating to sit down and interview people (or do it over the phone), to hear about their life stories or the cause they are promoting. People are extremely passionate about their stories and it is fun to get to share a little bit in their passion.
4. I love the rush of writing on a deadline. I don't get this as much anymore since I don't write sports and don't have 20 minutes after a game to get quotes and write a story, but it is still a thrill when you know you are working against the clock.
5. I love being able to tell people what I do and have them say that is so cool; Shallow and silly but true. It is fun to not have a run of the mill job. Along with that it is fun to see my name in the paper. I have been writing for some sort of newspaper or another for close 5 years now but it is still fun to open the paper and see my name on the page.
I could go on and on about why I love my job but these are just a few of the reasons! I was reminded of a few of these last night when just as I was getting ready to go home a story happened and I had to go out and cover it. A man had barricaded himself in his home and was threatening to blow things up. Not the most exciting story but I had fun going out to cover it!!

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