Thursday, December 29, 2011

Utah Drivers!!

I drive everyday from Salt Lake to Provo and back for work.. approximately 90 miles round trip and I some of the things drivers do make me crazy!! So I am compiling a list of the biggest offenses (to me anyways) Utah Drivers make.. and yes I am a Utah Driver and I have probably done all of these things at one time in my life but I like to think I am not a serial offender.
1. If a cop already has someone pulled over on the side of the road you don't need to slow down to 45 MPH!!! The cop is obviously preoccupied with another driver and unless you are going 120+ the chances of said cop leaving the driver he already has pulled over to pull you over is slim. I understand people see a cop they instantly slow down, but to 45! I mean come on people at least let's still go the speed limit. Because slamming on your breaks causes accidents.
2. If there is an accident or some other unknown reason for traffic being backed up, there is no need to change 15 times! This again only causes more accidents. If all of the traffic is slowly down it does no good for a person to dart from one lane to another, especially when the slowdown is just occurring. Most of the time it seems like the lane you are in is barely moving compared to the others but trust me it usually evens out in the end, when in fact changing lanes a million times only adds to the congestion!
3. Signaling does not give you the right to cut me off! Signaling is a courtesy and one that I think should be mandatory on the freeway. But just because you signal doesn't mean you can swerve in front of me when my bumper is two feet away from yours. I am sorry you waited too long to get over in the first place but that is not my problem and if you cut me off regardless of whether you signaled or not I will honk and flip you off and probably yell profanities. Signaling is like knocking on someone's door.. just because you knock doesn't mean they have to let you in.
4. If you are in one of the middle lanes and cars are passing you on both sides it is probably a good idea to get over (to the right I might add) because you are slowing the flow of traffic! Enough said.
5. If I come up behind you in the fast lane MOVE OVER!!! This is my biggest pet peeve. You can see me coming and can tell I am going faster than you, so save me the trouble of calling you bad names and just get over. I recently learned this is actually the law!! And that cops will tell you it is not your job to control how fast people are going.. so even if you are going 85 and I want to go faster than you move over.
6. I lied my biggest pet peeve is when I pass people who won't move over in the fast lane and they are on their cell phones. If you can't drive like a normal person while on your phone then HANG UP and DRIVE!! I am not saying people shouldn't talk on their cell phones while they drive (texting is an entirely different matter though) I talk on the phone while I drive all the time, but I am also still able to get over if someone comes up behind me and drive at least the speed limit but if you conversation inhibits you from doing these things do everyone on the road a favor and hang up.
7. Last but certainly not least a tiny dusting of snow does not require going 30 miles an hour. I don't get how the majority of the people on the roads deal with winter in Utah year after year and still can't drive in the snow. If it is a blizzard, slushy or really icy by all means PLEASE slow down but less than 1/2 inch of snow blowing across the road doesn't warrant slowing down to 30.
So in conclusion just don't drive like idiots and everyone will be happy!
Whew.. glad to get that off my chest. I promise there will be no more posts about drivers.

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