Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Body is Amazing

The more I learn about the body and the complicated things it does just while I sit here and type this blog the more it amazes me. I have been working with a personal trainer for the past 3 months, following a pretty specific meal plan (I will not call it a diet) and working out regularly. I have a few more months paid for but I have been concerned about what is going to happen when I no longer have to report what I ate to my trainer every night and have no one but myself to be accountable too. Well today my body took some of that worry away.
We had a pot luck lunch at work today and while there have been days I have eaten "off plan" foods today was the first day in several weeks that I have eaten an entire meal of foods that I haven't eaten in a while, including white rolls, broccoli salad, hamburger dip, tortilla chips, carmel popcorn and some cookies. Less than an hour later my body is not pleased. My stomach hurts and feel all gross. I do not like this feeling, I don't like feeling super full and like I ate a bunch of stuff that is not good for me. I guess this is nature's way of keeping me accountable because I feel like as long as I can avoid this feeling, even after I have no trainer to report too, I can stick to my new healthy lifestyle and keep the weight I have lost off for good!!
It amazes me that in 3 short months the body can adapt to a totally new diet and learn to dislike other certain unhealthy foods. I have also been told that if you give your body the nutrients it needs it will no longer crave things like salty and sweet snacks, I am still waiting for this to happen. Salty snacks are not a problem for me just the sweet ones and I am convinced that no matter what I give my body I will still crave yummy treats. But back to the body being smart. My body has "learned" the right amount of food I should eat, I put learned in quotes because I suppose it has always known how much and what I should be eating I just wasn't listening too it. That means that although I weigh most of my food now I won't have to do this forever, because I have learned what is enough and know exactly how much fuel my body needs to function.
I now have hope that I won't have to follow a "diet" for the rest of my life!! If I continue to learn and listen to the cues my incredibly smart body (this is not being conceited, your body is smart too) is giving me everything else will take care of itself.

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