Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Lazy Week

You know how people say they are having a lazy day, well I am having a lazy week. Unfortunately that does not mean that I am being lazy it just means I wish I could be lazy. I have no motivation to do anything and I have lots of things to do!! Yesterday I managed to make myself go workout, I don't know if I will be so successful today. Just a few of the things I need to do this week: get supplies for Ragnar, including running clothes, run 4 and 7 miles, go get a marriage license, clean my apartment so John's grandma isn't horrified when she gets here next week, go grocery shopping and finish picking music for the wedding. There are more things but my brain is tired and I can't think of them. By themselves none of those things would be a big deal but when I list them all together I get overwhelmed and just want to take a nap, which would definitely not be a good use of my time. For just this one week I need one extra hour a day, okay maybe the next two weeks then after that I will be fine! I know there are people out there that have way more to do than I do but since I went to Altamont the past two weekends and I get zero accomplished when I go there I feel like I have a lot to do and as you can see I feel like complaining about it. I have now changed my phone screen saver and desktop backgrounds to beach scenes to remind myself that in a few short weeks I can do nothing but lay on the beach for 4 days if I want.

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