Monday, February 6, 2012

Crunching Numbers

Some days I think it would have been good for me to go to business school. I am obsessed with crunching numbers. How many minutes will it take me to run 5 miles if I run at a pace of 11:22 a mile? How much money do John and I need to save between now and June to pay for the wedding? How much will I weigh a year from now if I lose 1.25 lbs a week? How big of a house payment could we afford if we were going to buy a house right now? How much money would I take home each paycheck if I made $1, $5 or $10 more an hour? You name it and I have probably figured it out, more than once.
Literally once a day I add up all the known income John and I have coming in and how much we can put towards the wedding to make sure it is enough. The numbers never change much but I still do it over and over again. I also tweak the wedding budget several times a week, adding a dollar or two here and subtracting from there.
It is almost like I think if I calculate things over and over again someday something magical will happen and all of the sudden I will be making $5 more an hour or I will have lost 2 pounds a week for 12 weeks or we will have the money to buy an awesome house or my mile time will suddenly decrease. Sadly, that is not the case but still I continue to crunch the numbers!

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