Friday, February 10, 2012

A Tribute to Nicole

The title of this post might make it seem as if Nicole has died but no she has just moved the great New York City. She arrived this morning on the red-eye flight. I am so excited for her and thought I would pay tribute to a few of the good times we have had together because there have been many.
I met Nicole as a freshman in college, we shared a bathroom. It didn't take long for us to become friends and we caused much mischief. We nearly broke Kadee (another roommate) and her boyfriend Ryan up after convincing Kadee it was a good idea to rip open the shower curtain while Ryan was showering. We thought it was funny, he did not. We got caught hanging out on Emily's lofted bed just because it was fun.
The next year we both lived on campus but in different buildings. Nicole had a kitchen so our fun included many late night brownies, playing pool in the basement and throwing pumpkins off her roof. This was also the year I officially became her photo assistant. I was the victim of two deaths in a photo series she did and the murderer in another.
The next year we lived together again in a basement apartment. This is where Nicole introduced me to Sex and the City, which I now I love and where we got yelled at by next door neighbor multiple times for making too much noise on the porch.
We haven't lived together for almost 3 years now but have still had many many many good times.
I will miss that woman!! But am now super stoked that visiting her will require me to visit NYC.

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