Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life Isn't Fair

I am always trying to find ways to lose weight and eat healthier but I would say it has been about a year since I have really started paying attention to what I cook at home and making a conscious effort to make things healthier. In that time John has lost 2 pants sizes and probably 20 pounds; me I have lost 0 pant sizes and 5 pounds. I know life isn't fair, my mom has told me so since I was a small child but this seems really unjust to me. I try so hard to lose weight; I work out, I eat healthy most of the time and nothing. But John doesn't work out (granted he is a mechanic and pretty active all day) and eats a bag of popcorn every night (also an exaggeration but at least a couple times a week) and he loses tons of weight!! It makes me so so mad. It seems so backwards that guys, who typically could care less about how much they weigh, can lose five pounds without doing anything but it takes women, who DO care about their weight, 6 weeks of sweating on the treadmill and eating cardboard to lose five pounds. So maybe my new strategy should be to eat ice cream every night and I will lose weight too? No? Yeah I didn't really think that would work but wouldn't it be nice. I am happy for John, don't get me wrong, and he looks great I just wish my pant sizes would go down too.

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