Monday, January 16, 2012

Now I remember

This winter has been pretty much un-winter like so far. There has been very little snow and it has been pretty mild as far as temperature goes, lower 40s in January is really warm for Utah in January! And I have actually been missing the snow. It makes winter so much prettier but this morning it snowed and I was reminded why I hate winter.
Winter and snow would be fine if all I had to do was sit in my apartment, drink hot chocolate, read books and watch it snow but unfortunately I have to drive 45 miles to work everyday. The roads were only bad half the way to work but still. I hate driving in the snow. I think it stems from me running off the road a few years back. No one was hurt and I just ran my car into a large pile of snow but it was still nerve racking. Now when I drive in the snow every little movement of my car freaks me out and I go slower than is probably necessary but as long as I get to my destination without running off the road the trip was a success. I still want it to snow but if it could only do it on the weekends or days I don't have to drive to Provo that would be great.

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