Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Never Never Land

Most days I really really enjoy being an adult. I can make my own decisions, come and go as I please and pretty much live my life how I want without anyone telling me what to do. But somedays I would give anything to go back to carefree days of childhood. It would be amazing for just one day (or maybe a week) have nothing to worry about except which flavor of KoolAid I want to drink and how many games of monopoly we can play in one day; when the biggest problems we encountered were being out of otter pops or getting spanked for talking when we were supposed to be sleeping. Those were the days!!
Now there is the stress of work and money and relationships and cars breaking down and hearts getting broken and people moving away and being responsible for everything! Sometimes being an adult just plain sucks.
It is funny because when you are little all you want to do is grow up so you can drive a car and date and live away from home, but when you get old all you want to do is go home and have your mom take care of you.
Unfortunately we cannot go back in time and relive the glory days so for now I will just have to use the memories as a brief escape when the stress of being an adult gets to be overwhelming.
As a side note I do have to say if I could go back and be a child again even just for a day I would learn how to do a cart wheel because I never learned and now I can't do one!

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